Pan Collins, Senior Researcher for the Late Late Show in Ireland.
I listened to Jack Gibson's recording HOW TO STOP SMOKING for the first and only time in my life. As a contented smoker for 37 years, I had no desire to give up my coffin nails and to this day my war-cry is "I didn't give up cigarettes - they gave me up". That was 23 years ago and I have never smoked another cigarette.
Dr Godfrey J.F.Briggs, Former President of the British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis
This Video, the 'Power of the Subconscious - The Story of Jack Gibson', should be used by everyone...every doctor and every patient. It is terrific and completely accurate. He has also written an intriguing book called 'Relax and Live', where his compassion for people has led him to recognise the value of hypnosis in the alleviation of all forms of suffering.
Professor R.C.Coombes PhD, MD, FRCP
I can honestly say that I have never seen such an extraordinary event as Jack hypnotising 10 heavy smokers. The only person in the room who did not respond was a person who smoked so much that she had severe chronic obstructive airways disease and so was unable to be hypnotised. The results were astounding: Jack told me later that 8 out of those 10 people had not smoked since his session. Jack was the most versatile member of the medical profession that I know and he undoubtedly saved many lives.
Jan O'Connell, Broadcast Journalist
The POWER OF THE SUBCONSCIOUS is a fascinating Video - Jack Gibson is a man ahead of his time -hypnosis must be researched more.
Dr P.J.Browne, Former President of the Irish Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
RELAX AND LIVE - A PRACTICAL GUIDE is a most entertaining book which I can warmly recommend, not only to medical colleagues but to the general public. It is a fascinating account of the use of hypnosis by "man for all seasons" Jack Gibson in his treatment of various psychosomatic illnesses and as an aid to early intervention in the treatment of acute surgical trauma.