Hypnotherapy is a healing technique used to assist someone who is in an altered state of consciousness. This is sometimes referred to as being in a trance state. We know what you’re thinking: “I have seen loads of acts perform hypnosis in films or on stage. It’s all made up!”. Well that’s where you are wrong. Of course there are many “phonies” out there trying to claim they can perform hypnosis, and this puts a huge amount of doubt into people’s minds. However, Hypnotherapy is used to treat many thousands of people every single year! In fact, during his lifetime Dr. Jack Gibson (who you can learn more about by visiting www.drjackgibson.co.uk) carried out over 4000 procedures using Hypnosis instead of anaesthetic. He also successfully cured himself of Skin Cancer using these same methods! If you don’t believe us; have a quick watch of this video on youtube:
In this state of trance, the person can focus their attention solely on certain factors in their life they are struggling with, and regain control using natural tools within themselves. These practices are often referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Other practices under this subheading include: Yoga; Meditation; Mindfulness; Muscle Relaxation, etc.The reason Hypnotherapy has become so popular over the recent years is due to its success rate in healing people suffering from anxiety and depression. As you may know, this is becoming a larger cause for concern for people every year.
Here is how Hypnotherapy can help reduce anxiety…
Around 20% of the total population of the world suffers from some form of anxiety. What’s worse is that only around 30% of these people actually receive any treatment. Why? Because most of the people who have never experienced anxiety don’t quite understand how hard it is to live with. So you ask for advice. You may get sent to the doctor who will put you on a waiting list if you’re lucky. Then you will have months of waiting before you can actually receive any helpful solution. This is just too long. Hence why we urge you to try some form of Hypnotherapy to see if it can provide value to you.

When we are deeply relaxed, thoughts which we know to be true are able to sink in the form of feelings into our subconscious mind. When our subconscious mind understands that anxiety is serving no useful purpose, it is able to cut it off. Deep Relaxation may be used in combination with other treatments or by itself. When in a state of trance, you will begin to focus on the area you are trying to overcome. This may vary from slight anxiety at work to full blown panic attacks. You will then bring awareness to the emotions associated with the attacks, such as fear, shaking etc.
The hypnotist or audio recording may then provide you with feelings of empowerment and encouragement through their choice of language. They use forms of suggestion and calming phrases such as “ You feel calm despite your discomfort” or “You will not let the anxiety get the better of you. You are in control” This can also help the person identify any phobias they may have, and focus on overcoming these fears by suggesting ways to remain in a relaxed state whilst in these feared environments.

Hypnotherapy uses these same methods to treat a wide variety of different conditions. Moreover, you don’t have to spend hundreds of pounds on an appointment with a hypnotist. These methods can be done by yourself in the comfort of your own home. How?.
Below we will discuss how you can get started with hypnotherapy from the second you close this blog!
As we said in the last paragraph Hypnotherapy can be used to treat multiple different phobias, addictions, weight loss etc. Remember earlier we mentioned Dr. Jack Gibson (the man who cured himself of skin cancer using hypnosis). Fortunately, to make his treatments more widely available, Dr Gibson systematically devised and developed a series of audio recordings featuring his Deep Relaxation methods, based on his medical use of hypnosis and as an Alternative to drugs and anaesthetics. He labelled it his ‘Relaxology Series’ – the very first recording was called “How to Relax” and was produced and marketed by his son-in-law Andrew Gibb MA, appearing as a 45rpm vinyl record in 1968…the rest is history, with a further 35 or so updated recordings following over the ensuing years on vinyl, cassette tape and CD, each of which is now available for digital download at www.drjackgibson.co.uk
What makes this even better for all of us is that each mp3 download costs only £15!!
If you are not ready to make an investment as of yet, follow the official Facebook account, which provides daily content related to this subject and many more!