As a surgeon, Dr. Jack Gibson carried out over 4000 procedures using Hypnosis instead of anaesthetic. These included major operations, surgical procedures and treatment of dislocations and fractures.
He also successfully cured himself of Skin Cancer.

Dr Jack Gibson died peacefully on 2nd April 2006, in his 96th year. He continued to see patients until 2 days before he died and he was in the process of writing another book which he had been discussing with his printer as follows:
"I am now 95 years old and if my health holds out I will go to the Himalayas in India and also visit China. "My Future" is as yet unfinished but I will try and get the finished pages to you as soon as possible..."
Jack Gibson graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, in 1933, having won almost every available medal (Gold & Silver in Anatomy and Operative Surgery). He gained the fellowship in 1934 (the youngest ever to be awarded this distinction at the age of 25) and the Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from London in 1935.
After a hospital appointment in England, he returned to Africa as Dean of the Native Medical Aids School. He worked in a leper colony and treated prostitutes in Yemen PDR (formerly Aden).
At the outbreak of WW2, he worked in England as a surgeon in the hospitals of the Emergency Medical Service. He treated numerous soldiers, wounded at Dunkirk and later during D Day. In 1957 he held the most senior surgical post in Ethiopia.
Back in Ireland, he took up the post of County Surgeon in Naas, Co. Kildare and continued to develop his method of Deep Relaxation as an alternative to anaesthesia and drugs and devoted himself to using Hypnosis as a mind-strengthening, relaxation therapy, to overcome mental or physical conditions.
In 1992, he first published "Relax and Live", a lifestyle self-help book and Practical Guide. Aged 90, Dr. Gibson published his biography, "Memoirs of an Irish Surgeon". His latest book, due for publishing shortly, is a collection of incredible and inspirational case histories, penned by grateful patients and other respected Professionals, worldwide, This is a true and accurate history of the work of a renowned surgeon and futuristic doctor.
His video "The Power of the Subconscious" contains footage of many successful operations and procedures, including the sandpapering of a girl's face, under Hypnosis, for alleviation of Acne and a man undergoing an operation to remove a blood clot behind the eye.
Dr. Gibson strongly believed in self-help and produced a series of up to 40 recordings which have been converted for the digital world, covering an immense band of topics, from fighting phobias and fears, painless childbirth, tackling alcoholism, business and stress issues to pain relief, smoking, snoring and weight control, eating disorders and asthma.